Formation of BUVAD Water User Management Committees

On 30th October BUVAD had an open up coordination meeting with the Water User Management Committees representatives(WUMCs) from BUVAD donated water wells at Butakoola Local Council 1 community meeting ground in Butakoola Village of Bukolooto Parish of Kayunga Sub County in Kayunga District. With official permission from the Kayunga District COVID-19 task force committee the meeting was held with strict observance of the new MOH COVID-19 prevention SOP. The meeting objective was to re-view the WUMCs water wells’ performance, and share challenges for collective problem solving.

This was over seen by a visiting team from the CIZ- CUSP team Kampala Hub.There were 24 participants from the 10 water user committees, Butakoola LC1 council as the host village and 4 members from the GIZ- CUSP team Kampala Hub. The total number of attendants at the meeting was 28 attendants. The WUMCs representatives were from; 4 boreholes in Butakoola, 1 borehole in Nongo   2 boreholes in Gaaza, 1 borehole in Nakirubi, 1 borehole in Kisoga and 1 borehole in Kyambogo villages

In this arrangement, BUVAD will routinely mobilize the Water User Management Committees (WUMCs) at each of the BUVAD donated water wells to hold quarterly re-union meetings. BUVAD will also report on findings and unanimous resolutions from a given re-union with the District water and sanitation coordination committee. (DWSCC) This will help the voices of the people at the grassroots to be heard at the District levels or National levels and their ideas included in the District water management plans. Each Committee will be represented by two representatives which will preferably include; The chairperson of the water source and the care taker at the water sources or any other representatives depending on the prevailing circumstances.