Why Donate/Support?

Many thanks to all our supporters and donors who have enabled us to effectively implement our project activities and covering our administrative costs. It's by your support that BUVAD has managed to cover its overall administrative costs. We appreciate every little support to us its very valuable. Please be intrigued to support it again!

How to Donate

You can support by following other ways to donate as indicated below. Alternatively, you can click on the Contact Us button to get in touch with us and supporting a project activity of your choice or volunteering to help.

Other Ways to Donate

Below are The BUVAD Banking Details:
Account name: Butakoola Village Association for Development
Bank name: Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited
Branch: Metro Branch
Postal Address: P.O.Box 1379 Kampala Uganda.
Account number: 9030005623927
Swift Code: SBICUGKX

You can also donate through Mobile Money to these numbers 0772425576 or 0750363942 and In case you choose to make a direct transfer to our bank account, we will provide the organization banking details. And, In case you require a tax deduction receipt we shall guide you to our fiscal sponsors to make the donation.

BUVAD is committed to having the biggest possible impact, for everyone in Kayunga region, Uganda »

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